Edgar Rael
Ene 12, 2019
PRO19 - Guardar_Producto()
The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "RL_Proveedor_Producto". The conflict occurred in database "INVENTARIO", table "dbo.Proveedor", column 'Pv_Cve_Proveedor'.
Log: https://community-mpro.s3.amazonaws.com/upload/2019/01/12/455d22ff042c137aabb5e57759701a38.txt
Israel Aranda
Ene 12, 2019
Hola Edgar, damos seguimiento en el post https://community.mproerp.com/error-al-pegar-registros/pid/88258/
¡Hola, Edgar!
Gracias por contactarnos a través de Community.
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